A crowd of umbrellas fills the streets of New York City, and from the sky, the colors dance...
In Umbrella, each player orchestrates an umbrella "dance" at a street intersection. You start with a 4x4 umbrella square, with four umbrellas of each color. One umbrella of each color starts in a "waiting area" to your left and right (shared with players seated in those directions), a "waiting area" in the center of the game (shared by all players), and a "waiting area" under your personal game board (shared by no one else). Start by placing two stacks of two face tiles on your game board. Each face tile represents an arrangement of umbrellas of a single color that you wish to create on your game board.
On your turn, take an umbrella from an adjacent waiting area, then slide it across your game board toward that area, pushing an umbrella into the waiting area on the other side. If you have created a single-color umbrella layout that matches a visible character tile on your board, place a scoring token on an empty space of the corresponding color on your scoreboard, then pass the character tile to the player to your left; they place that tile on their board in the first empty character space, rotating the tile to match the orientation depicted.
Continue to play in turns in a clockwise direction until one player has no more figure tiles in front of them, one player has ten scoring tokens on their scoreboard, or one player empties the score token pool by taking the last token. Each other player takes a turn, then each scores their points: 2 points per scoring token, a variable number of points for groups of tokens (which differs depending on the scoreboard), and points based on the number of umbrellas in their personal waiting area.