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Qui Va Gagner? Combat Ultime des Bestioles (french)

Qui Va Gagner? Combat Ultime des Bestioles (french)


Regular price $8.99 CAD
Regular price $8.99 CAD Sale price $8.99 CAD
Scholastic - Des bestioles différentes s’affrontent dans un combat épique! Laquelle sera la vainqueure?

Ce livre documentaire compare et oppose 16 bestioles féroces. Les lecteurs apprendront tout sur l’anatomie, le comportement et plus encore au sujet de chaque animal.

Sixteen different bugs battle it out in an epic fight! Who will be the champion?

This nonfiction reader compares and contrasts 16 ferocious insects. Readers will learn about each animal's anatomy, behavior, and more. Then compare and contrast the battling animals before finally discovering the winner! This nonfiction series is full of facts, photos, and realistic illustrations, and it includes a range of mammals, sea creatures, insects, and dinosaurs to satisfy all kinds of animal fans.


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