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Hoppers Peg-Solitaire Jumping Game

Hoppers Peg-Solitaire Jumping Game


Regular price $22.99 CAD
Regular price $22.99 CAD Sale price $22.99 CAD

Thinkfun - xamine the pond, then make the frogs jump on top of each other until only one remains. Now go ahead and let it jump! 1. Choose a challenge card and arrange the frogs on the lily pads as shown. 2. Move by jumping over an adjacent frog, gradually removing the frogs you jump over. 3. When there is only one frog left on the pond, it's won! This game offers four difficulty levels, allowing players to progress at their own pace. With 40 challenges, it's even more fun for all ages!

40 cards, 12 frogs, 1 game board, 1 rule book


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